Bremner, Laila Hughes,
September 15th, 2000
High Point of Indiana
Laila and I had flown in to Dayton, Ohio the day before to run the Air
Force Marathon at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on the 16th. Always mindful
of the opportunity to get another quick high point I suggested we drive on over
to Hoosier Hill, close to Ohio's border and at most an hour and a half from
All I had to go by to find it was a printout from a trip report I'd taken off
the Internet.
Unfortunately this guy was dyslexic, confusing left with right and never getting his distances correct. It just made it a bit more challenging.
We drove west on I-70 from Dayton, turning north just after crossing the Indiana border on 227 at Richmond. 227 is a rolling country road traversing corn fields and idyllic small towns. After fifteen miles or so we came on the small town of Bethel. The Internet report I had in hand claimed that 1/4 mile north of the town we should make a right on county line road. For one thing county line road is closer to two miles north of Bethel. To confuse things even more he said turn right (west). Well, right was east. I guessed (wrongly) that he meant east and we drove on to the next town before realizing we must be going the wrong direction.
Reversing course, this time we went left (west) on county line road. He said
go 1/2 mile to Elliot Road, but it turned out to be almost exactly one mile.
went left here. He said going south you will pass a farmhouse on your right.
Well it was on our left. 50 yards further down the road you will see an old
wagon road going just south of a grove of trees to your right.
Park your car and walk 50 feet along the old road and you will see a staircase leading over the fence and into the trees. There in plain sight is the wooden monument you can see in the picture. It was placed by the Highpointer's Club recently. Very nice monument.
40 degrees 0.060' N.
84 degrees 50.932' W.
Nice and easy high point. Well worth the drive.