Ascent of Little Bear
26 Sep 99
By Steve Bremner and Sam
the Wolfdog
![]() I've been doing a little exploring lately. Okay, I won't quibble--trespassing. When I read in a couple Colorado Mountain Guides that the easiest route up Little Bear Peak had been closed because the property owners had denied access this peaked my curiousity. September 12th was my first exploration of Blanca Basin. At that time I climbed Blanca Peak. and got lost four times. This time I knew my way. |
First I'd like to pontificate a bit on trespassing. In Europe, where I lived five years in the mid-80's, Germany to be specific, there is a tradition of private property just as in the U.S. However, if private property owners in Europe completely closed off their property to hikers and recreators, given the much larger population burden they have, it would be a pretty dismal place in which to live. After all the owners of the private property themselves would be restricted only to their private property and would be unable to experience the pleasures of the countryside in other parts. Therefore throughout most of Europe it is completely legal to "wander" through farmlands along dirt roads or country trails so long as one does not trample crops or breach fences erected to contain cattle or domestic breeds. There are few fences constructed as here in the U.S. simply to keep people out. I believe after a couple of generations we will also evolve to this enlightened view of property.
The "grant" that includes Blanca Basin is an atavistic remnant of Spanish rule. I don't know this particular grant's history, but another grant to the "Taylor Ranch" that includes the 14er Mount Culebra (for which they now charge $40 a head for the "right" to climb) was given to a 12-year-old boy and a sheriff and distiller of Taos Lightening in the 1840's by the Spanish governor of Santa Fe simply beause they asked for it. When both were killed by Indians the boy's father bought out the sheriff's share for $100. We're talking about huge grants of land including major mountains. I saw no evidence that anyone had set foot in Blanca Basin for years.
As an opposite extreme to Europe there exists Hawaii. I lived there for three years ('93 to '96). In Hawaii private property holders have blocked access to public lands--national and state forests with prime hiking terrain. It was there that I learned to simply go where my conscience led me. To access the best trails you simply must trespass in Hawaii. My philosophy is to always leave only my footprints and to pack out more than I bring in. In other words whereever I go I pick up other people's trash, reasoning that if enough people think like me we can manage to offset the garbage-strewing cretins with whom we must coexist.
I must say at this point that there is a strong positive argument for the owners of these grants blocking access to the general public. From bears to coyotes to mountain lions, the wildlife of Colcrado has been harrassed, intimidated, and driven from the best grounds by rampant development and increased use of the backcountry by recreators. All intruders into the backcountry make an impact on the existence and prosperity of these major mammals. Though recently Rick Bass in his book The Lost Grizzly , provides evidence of the majestic Grizzly's existence in Colorado, they have been mostly wiped out. Wolves in the continental U.S. were once abundant. In a frenzy of slaughter in the mid to late 1800's they were nearly all exterminated. Now this proud and dignified animal is gradually being reintroduced in Yellowstone, Montana, and Arizona. It is well that large blocks of land are being kept truly as wilderness.
The most direct way up and into Blanca Basin is to turn right on an unmarked dirt road, 400 yards after the Blanca township's City limits sign (when approaching on US160 from the east). Further landmarks are a billboard for Rio Grand Motel on the left hand side of the highway directly across from the dirt road, and a sign for Blanca Peak maybe 100 feet prior. Drive directly north on that dirt road until it comes to a T, jog right, then immediately left on Oak Avenue. Continue on Oak Avenue until MM14th Street. Turn right and proceed about half a mile or so. You will see a road to your left with a "No Trespassing" sign on a piling and on your right away from the road is an abandoned silver trailer. I believe, though I haven't verified this, that the road with the "no trespassing" sign will take you all the way to the trailhead. I continued further for a 100 yards, turned up a rough 4-wheel drive road, then "stashed" my car off in the scrub forest.
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![]() After reaching the ridge and leaving the valley, the trail climbs steeply with Blanca Creek far below to your left. Levelling off a bit you reach a nice patch of pine forest where on my Blanca climb of two weeks ago I noted a bountiful crop of chanterelle mushrooms. On that trip I didn't pick any. This time although much less of the delectable fruit of the earth was evident, on my return the following day I managed to garner enough to have a most tasty side dish of chanterelles sauteed with butter and garlic with my dinner that evening. I'm still alive so they must have been chanterelles! Following the level patch of pine forest you soon come on an avalanche field, where on my Blanca trip I sampled as many wild raspberries as I cared to eat. This time there were some, but not enough to satisfy. Pick your way through the deadfall and find the cairn on the opposite side after maybe 75 yards or so. |
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The return was simply a matter of making sure I intersected the trail in the vicinity of my camp site, which proved easy enough. Along the trail afterwards I collected enough chanterelles for my later feast. Back to my vehicle around 3:30 P.M. I drove directly to Colorado Springs, home before seven that evening.